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Terry Kurtzer
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Nutritional Cleanse & Cleansing
Here's the Scoop
At the top you see the Traditional Diet. Let's assume at this
point all diets are equal.
The difference is, while dieting may get rid of fat, it doesn't
solve the underlying problem of why you have stored so much
weight in your body. Today,
because of chemicals in our food, pollution in our air and food,
and the pesticides sprayed in our soil, our bodies absorb Toxins
into the meat of our bodies. These cause illnesses, headaches,
depression, laziness, and at worse, death.
Our bodies are remarkable in that they know how to protect
themselves. They surround the poisons in fat and its
most stored in that middle section. So now we know why
we all suffer with the 'spare tire' effect. No matter how much
you exercise, no matter how much you starve yourself, no matter
how many pills you take (which actually enhances the problem)
Unless you rid your body of the toxins, that fat (it's
called visceral fat) is not going away.
What's funny is all those exercise programs we've all seen on TV
actually can build the muscle they promise! BUT! The muscle
builds underneath the visceral fat and you actually look like
you've gained weight. That's why no one sticks to them, and give
So what happens is you have the rebound effect because you never
solved the problem in the first place. It's not your fault!
Enter the Nutritional Cleanse:
You don't actually lose weight. You 'release' it. Once
you've rid the body of the toxins, the body releases the fat it
doesn't need to protect itself anymore. Your body will
release the fat, and you will start getting smaller, especially
in that middle section. Since the body likes to replace fat with lean muscle,
you don't get the effect of other diets as well... such as the
sagging skin on your arms or the extra chins on your face. And
you'll love how tight it makes your butt! (Am I allowed to say
Now you can try the exercise plans and get real results if you
wish. They'll hate me for saying so, cuz look how much people
are spending on plans that will never succeed!
Here's the video I use on my Corporate Site to explain
Pictured Below is my most popular cleansing Pak with Product B
The link will take you to the corporate site where you can
browse anything you want.
There are many different Systems and Paks for any budget or
Just click the PRODUCTS link below
to view them.
The Pillars of Health systems are specifically designed to
combat the root mechanisms of aging using a smart, flexible,
long-term program. These systems help you enjoy higher energy,
lean body mass, youthful aging and an overall healthier
This Web site is owned and operated by an Isagenix Independent
Associate and is not endorsed by Isagenix International, LLC.
Any opinions expressed on this Web site are made by and the
responsibility of the individual Associate and should not be
construed as a representation of the opinions of Isagenix
International, LLC.
Isagenix products have not been evaluated by the FDA. Isagenix
products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent
any disease
The weight loss testimonials presented apply only to the
individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be
considered typical. A 2008 university study showed a
statistically significant weight loss of 7lbs during the first 9
days of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System. As with any health
or fitness program, a sensible eating plan and regular exercise
are required in order to achieve long-term weight loss.